would like to acknowledge the great effort
exerted by Class 1981 for their project.
A brand new Main Entrance/Exit Gate with
a permanent guard house in our Alma
Mater was recently installed.
Your great enthusiasm to build this
project that will be beneficial to all students,
current and future and the teachers and staff as
well. May this effort
continue in our association and also bring
inspiration to the other Alumni to come up with
other projects for our Alma Mater. I
think we should continue giving back to our
"community", our beloved school.
Though we are experiencing global
economic crisis, may this be not a
constraint in pursuing our future goals.
Continue to keep in touch with each other and
let this media of Internet be the channel for us
to be united. I am sure that the Alumni
from Class 1981 will be very proud when they
walk through the gate and be reminded that, Hmm,
I am from Class 1981 and I donated to the
behalf of all the officers and members of the
DWCUAA, I would like to congratulate and thank
Class 1981 for the completion of their project.
Hope that you don't stop doing your good
deeds. The pictures say it all. You guys
did a superb job! Keep up the
good work.
De Vera, Class 1977